Lafrentz Energy on H2Poland Forum

Lafrentz Energy on H2Poland Forum 2560 1954 lafenergy

On May 16-17, 2023, we had the pleasure of participating in H2POLAND – the Central European Hydrogen Technology Forum, which was held at the Poznań International Fair.

The theme was hydrogen, i.e. a fuel that will revolutionize the energy market, e.g. due to its wide application in mobility, heating and industry. What is important to us as Lafrentz Energy is that the production of hydrogen will allow us to use the potential of renewable energy sources even more fully. Obtaining hydrogen from energy generated by wind turbines and photovoltaic panels is an excellent way to increase the efficiency of farms and store surpluses.

The development of the hydrogen economy is undoubtedly one of the key directions in the ongoing energy transformation and mitigation of global climate change. In order for the process to be accelerated, it is necessary to constantly educate the society, intersectoral cooperation and introduce legal regulations as soon as possible. We are glad that the organizers of H2Poland created a place for discussion in these areas and that we had the opportunity to be one of the participants.

Organizer’s website